Friday 2 May 2014

The Slow Life Revolution

Most of us have heard of the slow food movement of wanting to cook with local produce rather than pre-prepared meals from the supermarkets etc., which is great, but I want to take the concept to all areas of life. I feel like the best things in life come from making an effort. In London cycling was the best way to get around. Not only were you connected with your outdoor surroundings, getting fit, riding for free and potentially getting to your destination quicker but you didn't have the stress of traffic, cramped spaces and body odor which you paid for. To me it was a no brainer and to me living in the countryside is much the same. It feels great to do things yourself, which means not having to drive anywhere or buy anything - stuff which I generally don't enjoy. The best travel experiences I've had have been by foot hiking in the mountains or on my bike in the middle of nowhere! Bring back the middle ages, I say! Well, not quite. I do believe modern life has plenty to offer but there is a ton of stuff we could really do without and shouldn't have to work all day to buy. Our friends Devan and Charlotte built a tiny home and are avoiding all the issues of debt etc

We have plenty of tools at our disposal to live really comfortably. One of my old work colleagues from the Pedal to Petal bicycle collective in Victoria, BC called Matt used to talk about some Americans whose goal was to retire as early as possible. Matt hardly ever used to pay for travel and took freight trains all over and luckily I got to join him on one such journey. Hopefully we can follow this philosophy all our lives slowly and enjoying it all the way. We'll just have to build up our skills slowly before we buy any woodlots or pack horses!

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